Goal-setting is an activity that we all engage in on a regular basis. Whether it’s challenging yourself to walk the stairs to work or planning to have dinner prepared by a certain time, we set goals for ourselves as a means of growth and development. However, when it...
We as human beings enjoy the feeling of starting fresh, but allowing ourselves to hit reset can be anxiety-ridden to say the least. Sure, it feels great to shed the weight of troubles you’ve been carrying with you and have the future wide open, but there’s also the...
I’ve written a lot on the subject of starting fresh; I think that we, as humans, far too often let ourselves continue to be bogged down by mistakes we’ve made in the past to a point where it holds us back from being our best selves. Fresh starts are important because...
If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you’ve probably seen my latest post, “The 10 Best Pieces Of Advice For Making A Fresh Start- Part 1”. Well, I’m back again with part 2 of the series, so don’t miss out on these awesome tips for wiping clean the slate and giving...
I’ve written a lot about the concept of “fresh starts” because it truly is something I believe in strongly. Getting mired down in mistakes you’ve made in life and allowing yourself to get stuck in the past can complicate your future and hold you back from your full...